Friday, September 5, 2008

It's a BOY!!

Well, it's official. Curtis baby number 4 is a BOY! I admit that I was holding out hope for a girl, but I had a feeling the baby was a boy, so it wasn't too much of a surprise.
Jessica is super-super excited! I was a little afraid that she would be disappointing with the news of another brother, but she started literally jumping for joy when we told her.
I was a bit shocked at her reaction, so I asked her why she didn't want a sister. She said, "If I'm the only girl, that means I get to have all of your make-up and jewelry when I get older!" Leave it to Jessica to come up with that!!
(We got a bit of the screaming and jumping on video, so I'll try and post too.)
So anyway, we are excited and nervous about this little ones arrival. I feel like we've just adjusted to life with 3 children, but I guess that means it's time to shake things up again! : )
Every check-up my due date gets moved up a little. The latest estimated due date is February 8th. (That makes me about 17 weeks along.)
On Sunday I pulled a muscle in my side. I don't remember doing anything specifically to hurt it, but we figure it probably involved picking up Jonathan. He's hanging out around 26 pounds -- the little chunk!! It's been bothering me quite a bit, but each day it seems a little better.
I just started feeling the baby kick, so that's fun. (At least it's fun now because it doesn't hurt yet!) I'm also getting too big for my regular clothes, so I made my first maternity shopping trip yesterday.
Will and I are starting to think about getting a bigger car -- any suggestions?? mini-van or SUV?
Well, that's it for now. I'll keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

Whoopee! Another little boy is wonderful. A little girl would have been wonderful too,. I guess next time! You have such a wonderful family. Each one is so different yet loving and funny and smart. I can't wait to see the new baby. It seems to be coming so quickly. Beth said Jessica said you have a new car now so guess you already decided. It will be wonderful to have some more room and this is a great time to buy. Oops , this may be to long to send. Love GC

The Hall's said...

Congratulations Emily and Will! How exciting. I absolutely love Jessica's comment. What a smart little girl! Too funny. Hope you're feeling okay.

Darci said...

That is great! Mama of 4, CRAZY! I think we are growing up too fast. SUV's are micer looking but mini vans are more roomy.

Anonymous said...

I love that you all have a little baby making factory in Florida..... Can I order one? You all make such B-E-A-utiful babies..... congratulations!!!!!