Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Jessica is loving going to school everyday! She has a lot of fun and has made lots of new friends. She usually is so excited once she gets home that she talks and talks. Throughout the rest of the day she remembers things that she did and she tells me lots of stories. My favorite so far is when I asked her if she ever played with any of the boys in her class. She told me that they just like to hug and then fall to the floor, and they get in trouble. I told her that's called wrestling, and it's a boy thing. She said that she likes to play girl things. : )

This is a picture I took of Jessica on her first day. I'll admit it, when I dropped her off I got a bit teary eyed. I love to watch her grow up, but with each milestone there is a bit of sadness that her childhood is slipping away so quickly!

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